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This page will consist of a series of studies from the Scriptures.
It is the opinion of this writer that all of the
seven assembles are end-time assemblies and the "messages" to
them have yet to be fulfilled. When exactly is the "time" in
the "end time" when they are in existence, I do not know,
but YaHuWaH will make it clear to those who need to know.
There are two assemblies that are definitely end-time assemblies
and neither one has a reproof written to them. They are: The
Assembly of Smurna, and the Assembly of Philadelphia. The
wording of the message to each of them identify both as last day
Rev. 2:8-11 “To the messenger of the assembly in Smurna write:
“The First and the Last,
Who was dead, and has come to life says these things: (this identification of Himself
may be a hint that some of them will also have to die)
“I know your works, oppression, and your poverty (but you are
rich), and the public
vilification of those who say they are Yahuwdim [Jews], and they are not
Yahuwdim, but are a synagogue of the adversary. Don’t be afraid of the
things which you are about to suffer. Behold, the slanderer is about
to throw some of you into prison, that you might be pressured;
and you shall have oppression for ten days. Become trustful to death,
to-the-enduring-of-death-itself. actual Greek) and I shall give you the crown
of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what Ruwach
haQadosh [Set-apart Spirit/Breath]
says to the assemblies. He
who overcomes won’t be harmed by the second death."
YaHuWSHuWaH promised the Philadelphian Assembly that: 3:10
"Because you guarded My Word of endurance, I also shall guard you
from the Hour of Trial (tribulation/oppression), which is to
come on the whole Habitable World, to try those who dwell on
the earth."
However, in the message to Smurna, no such promise is given, in
fact, from the context it appears that they will see "The Hour
of Trial/The Great Oppression - and not only will they "see it"
but some will be martyred .... "Become trustful to death ... he who overcomes won't be
harmed by the second death." The implication here is that some "will be
trustful to death"! Notice these texts: Rev. 14:13 I heard the
Voice from heaven saying, “Write, ‘Blessed are the dead who die in YaHuWaH from now on.’”
“Yes,” says Ruwach haQadosh [Set-apart Spirit],
“that they may rest from their labors; for their works follow
with them.” (This verse follows the 3rd messenger's
message about not worshiping the Beast.) and in Chp. 6:9 "When he opened the fifth seal,
I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been
killed for the Word of YaHuWaH, and for the testimony of the
Lamb which they had. 6:10 They cried with a loud voice,
saying, “How long, O Master, the Set-apart and True, until You
judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”
6:11 A long white robe was given to each of them. They were
told that they should rest yet for a while, until their fellow
servants and their brothers, who would also be killed even as
they were, should complete their course ...."
And all through the four "Besorah", YaHuWSHuWaH says a number of
times that those who follow and obey Him will suffer persecution
- even to death.
Even though from the context of the message to Smurna, there
will be martyrs, yet not all will die, but some will pass
through the Great Tribulation and in the "very last days" of
it - they will be delivered/rescued!
The text in verse 2:10 says "ten days", just as other
texts in Revelation say 1260 days, 42 months, time, times, and a
half time. There is no reason to believe that all of these time
periods are not just as the Word says - literal time periods. Therefore in 2:10 the "ten
days" will be dealt with as a literal ten days - the
interval of time between Yom Teruah (Trumpets) and Yom
Kippur (Day of Atonement).
The next thing that has to be done is find the "setting" or
"time period" when these ten days occur. From the textual
references that will come later, it will become clear that this
ten days must come during the very last remnant of time - during
the "Great Day of YaHuWaH.
A type of the year long great tribulation - plus
the ten days mentioned above which occurs
within this "Great Day of YaHuWaH, is found in Bereshiyth
[Genesis] 7:1 - 8:15 concerning the flood of
Noah's time. The "flood" of destruction was on the earth for 370
days while YaHuWaH's people (Noah and family) were safe in His
ark. --- This was
370 days after the flood began, or one year and ten days, at
that time (a 360 day year)—the same length of
time as the interval between one Feast of Trumpets until Yom Kippur [Day of
Atonement] the following year.
Other texts supporting this year long tribulation are:
YashaYahuw [Isaiah] 32:10 For days beyond a year you shall be troubled,
you careless women; for the vintage shall fail. The harvest
won’t come. .... YashaYahuw 34:8 For YaHuWaH has a Day of Vengeance, a Year of recompense for
the cause of Tsiyown [Zion].
The "ten days" of the 370 days must be at the very "end" of the 370 days -
at which time YaHuWSHuWaH comes on the cloud with all His
Set-apart ones that were resurrected at the "Last Trump" - 10
days earlier - and who will witness the great deliverance of
YaHuWaH for those of His who are still alive and are seemingly
doomed for destruction! As various supporting texts are
given keep in mind that on Yom
Kippur, The Great Shofar is blown.
Now let's look again at the Smurna message:
Revelation 2:8-11 "To the messenger of the assembly
in Smurna write:
“The First and the Last, Who was dead, and has come to life says
these things: “I know your works, oppression, and your poverty
(but you are rich), and
the public vilification of those who say they are Yahuwdim [Jews], and they are not
Yahuwdim, but are a synagogue of the adversary. Don’t
be afraid of the things which you are about to suffer. Behold, the slanderer is about
to throw some of you into prison, that you might be pressured; and you shall have oppression
for ten days.
Become trustful to death, and I shall give you the
crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Ruwach
haQadosh says to the assemblies. He who overcomes won’t be
harmed by the second death." [as noted before, the phrases
in blue seem to indicate that some of these will be martyrs
for YaHuWSHuWaH - though some of the texts which follow,
picture a wonderful deliverance for the living.]
Psalms 31:13 For
have heard the slander of many, terror on every side, while
they conspire together against me, they plot to take away my
life. [the slanderer is about to
throw some of you into prison, that you might be pressured;
and you shall have oppression for ten days.]
YashaYahuw [Isaiah] 27:12-13 It shall happen in
That Day, that YaHuWaH shall thresh from the flowing stream of
the Parath to the brook of Mitsrayim [Egypt/churchanity]; and you shall be gathered one
by one, children of Ysra'al. It shall happen in That Day that a Great Shofar
shall be blown (Yom Teruah
); and those who were ready to perish in the land of Ashshuwr (Babel), and those who were outcasts in
the land of Mitsrayim (churchanity), shall come; and they shall
worship YaHuWaH in the Qodesh Mountain at Yahrushalayim. "
Matt. 24:31 & Mark 13:27 "He (YaHuWSHuWaH)
shall send out His messengers with the sound of the Great Shofar [Day of
and they shall gather together His chosen ones from the four
winds, from one end of the sky to the other." 24:31:
Note: The Great
Shofar is blown on Yom Teruah). It is also blown at the
beginning of a Jubilee year.
Yahuw'al 2:32 '"“And it shall be, everyone who shall have called
on the Name of YaHuWaH, he shall be delivered! For on the
Mountain of Tsiyown and in Yahrushalayim shall the escaped remnant be; just as
YaHuWaH said, even among
the survivors whom YaHuWaH is calling.”
Yehezqel [Ezekiel] 20:33-39 "As I live, says the
Master YaHuWaH, surely with a mighty Hand, and with an
outstretched Arm, and with wrath poured out, will I be King over
you: and I will bring you out from the peoples, and will gather
you out of the countries in which you are scattered, with a
mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with wrath poured
out; and I will bring you into the wilderness of the peoples,
and there will I enter into judgment with you face to
face." [Joseph Good
points out that the terminology here fits the season of Yom
Kippur, at which time YaHuWaH judges us for the sake of
removing our sins from us:] Like as I entered
into judgment with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of
Mitsrayim [Egypt], so will I enter into judgment
with you, says the Master YaHuWaH. I will cause you to
pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the
covenant; and I will purge
out from among you the rebels, and those who disobey against
Me; I will bring them forth out of the land where they
sojourn, but they shall not enter into Eretz-Ysra'al:
and then you will know that I AM YaHuWaH." [Then you will know: To remove so many
from lands they had thought were their own will be such a huge
undertaking and the outcome (their being separated into those
who will go into the Land and those who will not) so unlikely
that having this prophecy of it in advance will be enough
evidence that it was really He alone that accomplished this.
YaHuWSHuWaH will hand-pick His subjects, passing all through a
purifying fire which will not consume those who are written in
His book. (Dan. 12:1)] SFWHofY
As to this part of the message: ... "and the public vilification of those who say
they are Yahuwdim [Jews], and they are not
Yahuwdim, but are a synagogue of the adversary." [beit-ha'keneset of ha'shatan -
Zionist Israel of today.] YashaYahuw [Isaiah]
“Hear this, House of Ya'aqob (impostor/ supplanter), you who
are CALLED by the name
of Ysra'al, and have come forth out of the waters
[unbelievers] of Yahuwdah [Judah]; who swear
by the Name of YaHuWaH, and cause the Elohiym of Ysra'al to be
remembered, but not reliably or correctly, (for they
call themselves of the Kodesh City (Zionist), and lean on the
Aluhiym of Ysra'al; YaHuWaH of hosts is His Name) [Rev.
2:2, 9; 3:9]
To summarize: The members of the Assembly of Smurna are a
"poor" people who are "rich" in belief and trust. It appears
that they are not protected from the trials of the "oppression"
of the Great Day of YaHuWaH. Some will be martyrs, others will
live on into the final "ten days" of the great oppression and as
it says in 1 Kepha [Peter] 1:3-5 Blessed be YaHuWaH and
Father of our Master YaHuWSHuWaH haMashiyach, Who according to
His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living
expectation through the resurrection of YaHuWSHuWaH ha
Mashiyach from the dead, into an inherited possession that is
not liable to decay [Matt. 6:19], unsoiled, and unfading,
having been kept under guard for you in heavenly realms
who are protected by
the Power of YaHuWaH through belief for a rescue ready to
be revealed in the final decisive epoch.
"...... (for a rescue ready to be disclosed during a
latter feast season!) [Yom Kippur
Deuteronomy 32: 42] .... this rescue will be
manifested on some future Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement at the end
of the "ten days" of intense oppression - at the sounding of the
Great Shofar - When YaHuWaH Al Shadai and the Lamb takes His
Great Power and Reigns! O YES!
Study 2 - Thoughts on Immersion:
Immersion is not a ritual in invented by "John the Baptist" as
most of churchanity believes. It is not supposed to be a method
by which ones becomes a "new member" into a particular church or
organization - at least it was not meant to be. Immersion is an
act of putting off the "old man" and turning ones heart toward
YaHuWaH in worship and praise and obedience to His Torah!
(If you love Me, keep My Commandments.)
Galatians 3:27-29. For as many of you as were immersed
into haMashiyach have put on (labash)haMashiyach. There is
neither Yahuwdite nor Greek, there is not slave nor free, there
is not male and female, for you are all one in haMashiyach
YaHuWSHuWaH. And if you are of haMashiyach, then you are
seed of Abraham, and heirs according to promise. (This Ibriy term "labash" is the same one that is use in
Bereshityh 3:21: YaHuWaH Aluhiymmade coats of skins for Adam
and for his wife, and clothed/covered
them. ) - (This
implies that YaHuWaH performed the very first slaughter in the
presence of Adam and Hawah, to typify the necessity to shed
blood for the sin of disobedience and to "cover" [labash -
H-3847] ones nakedness. Thus, when one is immersed into
haMashiyach, that person's nakedness (sin) is covered "labash"
by the blood of the Lamb and we put
on - are covered
by (labash) Mashiyach!)
1. To begin with, it must be understood that "immersion"
is not unique to the Apostolic Writings but was performed in the
TaNaK, and is identified in the traditional translations as
"washing". The priesthood washed their flesh with water
before, after, and during the means of making atonement, or
bringing about the removal for sin, and in the Ibriy language,
this is known as "mikbah" or immersion (washing). Everyone
entering into the Temple to worship was required to mikbah/wash
before entering, which meant that Priests as well as the common
man did mikbah many times in their lifetime. This was also the
command of the prophet, Alishua [Elisha], to
Na'aman the leper, when he commanded him to "mikbah" or dip
seven times and be cleansed. Again, as Yahuwchanan
prepared the way for YaHuWaH (YaHuWSHuWaH haMashiyach),
Yahuwchanan, as a rightful "officiator of immersion" -
(appointed by YaHuWah for a special task) - commanded the crowds
to "mikbah" or immerse for the remission of sins, in accordance
with the Torah commands which deal with this. There were a great
many "mikbah" pools in Ysra'al and especially in Yahrushalayim
and were used frequently by those who felt the need to be
immersed other than entering into the temple. However, the
Scriptures make plain that Yahuwchanan the Immerser used the
Yarden River as his "immersion" pool as did Na'aman the leper.
The Yarden in many places had pools sufficient enough to handle
the many who came to be immersed .... and of course the water
was running which was ideal in that this running water
symbolized "the washing away of sin and perversity".
From "The Scriptures for the Whole
House of Ysra'al", We have this: Matt. 3:5-6
"Then people from Yahrushalayim, all of Yahuwdah , and all the
region around the Yarden went out to him. They were ritually
immersed under his
supervision in the Yarden, acknowledging their sins."
[The Shem Tob Ibriy text says, “They were immersing because of
his word”]
"Under his supervision: Immersion at
that time was not something done by another person; that
was a practice of Mithraism, a religion common among
Roman soldiers. A kosher immersion is done by
the person himself, with a witness to assure him that
every part of his body, including all of his hair, has
gone under the water."
2. Scripture never teaches that a mikbah or immersion must be
performed by someone else - rather, the crowds immersed
themselves. In fact, we have the Scriptural evidence that
the apostles COMMANDED the crowd to be immersed, and some 3000
were saved in one day, as seen in the following
example. Acts 2:38
"Shimon said to them, 'Repent and be immersed each one of you
in the name of Master YaHuWaH-YaHuWSHuWaH for the remission of
sins ....' Shimon was preaching from
the steps of the Hekal in Yahrushalayim. Just below him were
hundreds of mikbah (immersion) baths. Both the steps he spoke
from and the baths are visible today just outside the Western
Wall. In Kepha's day immersion wasn't an act of conversion from
one religion to another, but an act of purification from sin. A
person repented of their sin, prayed, and then entered into the
water of the immersion pool to symbolize atonement. [AENT
- Aramaic English New Testament pg. 308]
Yahuwchanan is recorded as being the "officiator" in the
immersion of YaHuWSHuWaH haMashiyach, and Philip also was the
"officiator" in the immersion of the Ethiopian man (Not
physically touching them but being witnesses to their complete
immersion.) Yahuwchanan the Immerser according to the Word,
chose places where there "was much water" for his
immersion sites. If he "immersed" them one by one as some seem
to believe (see baptism note below) .... why then was
"much water" needed? They simply responded to Yahuwchanan's
preaching, confessed their sins, prayed, entered into the water
and immersed themselves under the watchful eye of the Immersion
3. Scripture never limits the number of times which a
person may immerse. In fact, it was a Scriptural command
that every time you become physically unclean (i.e. in contact
with a dead body, etc) that you were to "wash", and again be
considered clean at evening. Mikbah was also preformed for
physical healing, as we see with the blind man at the pool
(mikbah) of Shalach, in Yahrushalayim. Yahuwchanan (John)
9:6 When YaHuWSHuWaH had said this, He spat on the ground,
made clay with the saliva, anointed the blind man's eyes with
the clay, and said to him, "Go wash/mikbah (immerse) in the pool
of Shalach" (which means "Sent forth"). So he went away, washed
(did mikbah), and came back seeing."
4. Immersion for the remission of sins should be in the
Name above all Names, which is "YaHuWaH-YaHuWSHuWaH", and
performed for the remission of sins. "In the Name of..."
requires that it be in YaHuWaH's authority, and that the purpose
for the immersion be well known and proclaimed. Apart from
complete immersion (preferably in running water, such as a river
or stream - but not commanded as such - could be a bathtub if
one can completely immerse in it - and, if that is all that is
available) in the Name of YaHuWaH-YaHuWSHuWaH haMashiyach, there
are no other Scriptural requirements or commands.
5. You can immerse yourself - as did those of Ysra'al - but it
would be better to find another believer to attend. Self
immersion is the only way that many of the Ysra'al of
today can be immersed. YaHuWaH is calling to Himself "one of a
city and two of a clan", and these newly called ones may
never have the opportunity to be a part of a congregation -
large or small! Self immersion was done by those of Ysra'al of
the past whenever the need arose for an immersion and was
acceptable then as it is now. No particular titled
person is required to be present and anyone can assist others
with their immersion. We are all to assist others in their
immersion, as a witness, an encouragement, and to welcome the
immersed into the community of Ysra'al as a brother - should you
be blessed with a "community" of like-minded believers. The act
of immersion into the name of YaHuWaH-YaHuWSHuWaH's is
personal, not corporate, and we become identified by our
Husband, calling upon His Name for deliverance. We need to be
the one saying the words, not a by-stander (like a pastor
proclaiming "I immerse you. . . ") It's only about
YaHuWaH-YaHuWSHuWaH and the one entering the water.
A special note about the history of the present day method
of "baptism": In Debarim (Deut.) 2:12 it is said
that the Chorites who lived in Seir were destroyed by Esaw.
Chorites literally means "cave dwellers". Esaw (Edom of today)
represents Rome and their adaptation of Constantine's Mithraism
which was the religion of the Roman soldiers and Constantine,
himself, and which can be traced all the way back to the time of
Nimrod. One of its hallmarks of Mithraism is that they most
always worshiped in caves. They had an elohiym named "Gad"
pronounced exactly like "god" with a major festival on December
24, 25, and January 1. They also had a water baptism in which the priest
holds the recipient as he goes underwater. This common
form of baptism as practiced by many of "churchanity"
today, stems from them and this practice - not from
the Hebrew form of immersion in which there is merely a witness
that one goes completely under water. So the Church (Esaw/Edom)
still inhabits the “caves” of Mithraism by practicing these
particular means of "baptism". YaHuWaH says to us - Come
out of her my people and touch (practice) no unclean thing!
Study 3 - YaHuWSHuWaH's Resurrection
Note: In all the texts below where the phrase "first day
of the week"
appears - the Greek says "sabbaton" or sabbath. The reason
being, that this "first day of the week" was really a set-apart day -
the "Feast of
First-fruits" one of the mandated Feasts of YaHuWaH (Lev. 23:9-11) that falls on the "first day
of the week" immediately after the weekly Sabbath that falls
during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. And it was this
"dawning" into that feast day that this phrase is referring
to. The weekly Sabbath was dawning into a specified feast day
of YaHuWaH.
The following texts are from various translations
- they will differ from what many of the "traditional"
translations say. Such translations have a great burden to have
our Savior arise on the morning of the first day of the week at
dawn - justifying their first day of the week sunrise services.
They also do not recognize that His death was on the fourth day
of the week - but cling to the sixth day theory, thereby needing
Him to be in the grave at least a portion of the first day of
the week to get their incorrect counting of "three days and
three nights" - counting a portion of a day as a whole day.
YaHuWSHuWaH said He would be three days and three nights in the
heart of the earth --- and He was. All the following texts do
bear this out and show that He arose just before the Sabbath
ended, and the women who came to wrap His body in spices before
decay and corruption set in as soon as they possible could -
found an empty tomb! They had purchased the spices before the
weekly Sabbath and were waiting anxiously to get to the tomb.
Remember, the full moon of Passover was still bright so light
was no great factor if they hurried.
Matt. Peshita: Chp. 28
1. And in the evening
of the Shabbath, as it dawned toward the first day of the week,
came Miriam from the Magdala and the other Miriam to see the
2 And, behold, there had been a great earthquake, for the
messenger of YaHuWaH had descended from heaven, <and
approached> and rolled away the stone from the door, and sat
on it.
3 And his appearance was like lightning, and his garments like
4 and for fear of him the guards trembled, and became as dead.
5 And the messenger answered and said to the woman, "Fear you
not, I know that you are seeking YaHuWSHuWaH.
Matt. AENT: Chp. 28:1-2 Now in the closing (evening) of the Shabbath, as
the first of the week
was dawning, came Maryam of Magdla and the other Maryam that
they might see the grave. And behold a great earthquake
occurred for a Messenger of Master YaHuWaH descended from
heaven came and rolled away the boulder from the entrance, and
he was sitting on it. ...
AENT - Aramaic English New Testament
Matt. non-Peshita: Chp. 28
28:1 Now after the Sabbaths [ULB & 7th day Shabbats], as the
next day was dawning
(at sunset), Miryâm Magdalene and the other Miryâm [His mother]
came to see the tomb. 28:2 Behold, there was a great earthquake,
for a messenger of YaHuWaH descended from heaven, and came and
rolled away the stone from the door, and sat on it. 28:3 His
appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow.
28:4 For fear of him, the guards shook, and became like dead
men. 28:5 The Messenger answered the women, “Don’t be
afraid, for I know that you seek YaHuWSHuWaH, Who was hanged on
a stake.
Mark 16:
16:1 When the day of
repose was past, Miriam Magdalene, and Miriam the mother of
Ya'aqob, and Shalom, bought spices, that they might come and
anoint him. 16:2 Very early on the first day of the week, they came to the
tomb just as the sun was setting [after sundown of the weekly
Sabbath]. 16:3 They were saying among themselves, “Who
will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?” 16:4
for it was very big. Looking up, they saw that the stone was
rolled back.
16:5 Entering into the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the
right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were amazed. 16:6
He said to them, “Don’t be amazed. You seek YaHuWSHuWaH, the
Nazarene, Who has been impaled. He has risen. He is not here.
Behold, the place where they laid Him! (PureS.)
Yahuwchanan 20:
20:1 Now on the first
day of the week, Miryam Magdalene does-come early before
darkness yet came, [shortly after Sabbath sunset] unto the
sepulcher, and does-see the stone having-been-taken-away from
the sepulcher. [actual Greek](He arose just before
sunset on that Shabbat - after 3 days and nights in the tomb)
20:2 Therefore she ran and came to Shimown Keph, and to the
other disciple whom YaHuWSHuWaH loved, and said to them, “They
have taken away the Master out of the tomb, and we don’t know
where they have laid Him!”
23:55 The women, who had come with Him out of Galilee, followed
after, and saw the tomb, and how His body was laid. 23:56 They
returned, and prepared spices and ointments. [on the next day -
day 6] On the Shabbath they rested according to the
commandment. [Commanded weekly Sabbath rest]
24:1 But on the first day of the week,
after the setting of the sun [after Sabbath sunset], they and
some others came to the tomb, bringing the spices which they
had prepared. 24:2 They found the stone rolled away
from the tomb. 24:3 They entered in, and didn’t find the Master
YaHuWSHuWaH body. 24:4 It happened, while they were greatly
perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling
clothing. 24:5 Becoming terrified, they bowed their faces down
to the earth.
[He arose on Sabbath - 3 days and 3 nights - 72 hours -
after He was placed in the tomb on the 4th day of the week,
Passover. He presented Himself according to the types of the
Feast, to His Father as the "First-fruit" offering the next day
- The Day of First-fruits - that falls on the first day of the
The Scriptures are One!
Study 4 - End Time Events and Times
This chart will be better understood if the page "Great Day of
Yahuwah" is read first - along with Study # 1 "The Ten Days of
Smurna" which is on this page.
This chart is based on how I presently view the
various "times" spoken about in the Scriptures - and how they
will be fulfilled - in other words this is "speculation" on my
part - and what I think or believe does not make it so. There
are many things that may happen in the future that will make
what I think of no consequence. But for now this is the view to
which I hold. There are others that see these events in another
setting. They have their reasons for doing so and I have mine.
YaHuWaH has given us many "clues" on how to see these time
elements. For example: the "1260" days that are mentioned twice
in Revelation are "joined" together by their terminology - as
are the "42 months" which both refer to the days of the beast
power, and the "times, time, and a half-time which points us the
same time elements in Dani'al. For those who have eyes to see -
let them see.
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