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A Prophetic Allegory of Revelation 13 as seen in 1 Melakim (Kings) 21:1-17 - embracing the following texts:
Yahuw'al (Joel) 2:17 "Let the priests, the ministers of YaHuWaH, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, “Spare Your people, YaHuWaH, and don’t give Your heritage to reproach, that the nations should rule over them. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their Aluah?’”
Yahuw'el 2:32 "It will happen that whosoever shall call on the Name of YaHuWaH shall be delivered (saved); for in Mount Tsiyown and in Yahrushalum there shall be those who escape [are delivered], as YaHuWaH has said, and in the remnant, those whom YaHuWaH shall call."
YashaYahuw [Isaiah] 27:12 "It shall happen in That Day, that YaHuWaH shall thresh from the flowing stream of the River to the brook of Mitsrayim (Egypt); and you shall be gathered one by one, children of Ysra'al . 27:13 It shall happen in That Day that a Great Shofar shall be blown (Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement); and those who were ready to perish in the land of Ashshuwr/Assyria/Babel, and those who were outcasts in the land of Mitsrayim/Egypt/churchanity , shall come; and they shall worship YaHuWaH in the qodesh Mountain at Yahrushalom. " (gathering of the living Set-apart ones)
Matt. 24:31 & Marq 13:27 "He shall send out His
Messengers with the sound of the Great Shofar [Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement],
and they shall gather together His chosen ones from the four
winds, from one end of the sky to the other."
Note: From what
appears in the following study of types from 1 Kings 21:1-17
and Mark
6:17-28 (the beheading of The Immerser) as well as the texts in Rev. 13
that deal with the two beasts, it becomes clear that the first
beast is a "political" power - a head of state, king, etc.;
and the second beast who "gives the world" to the first beast
is a religious power [false prophet] that is "married" to the
first beast. This religious power influences the legislative
power of this state to pass and enforce laws (Dani'el 6) that will
benefit the "resurrected" first beast. It may come about much like
the way laws are sometime generated by powerful commercial
entities in the democratic states: i.e., "you write the law
and we will pass it" (see
again Dani'el 6)! And if the types are true, then
both these beast are likely of the same nation and the second
beast with its two horns must have the "laws generated on
behalf of the first beast" signed into "law" by the first
beast, itself - it's a
The Players: 1. Ach'ab (The Beast), 2.
Iyzebel (Jezebel - the
False Prophet/Whore who wears "two hats" - the crown of a
queen and the turban of a priestess of Ba'al!), and
3. Nabowth (Ysra'al ). Keep in mind that Iyzebel is not of
Ysra'al , but of Tsidown (likened to Babel), and is the false
prophetess who leads YaHuWaH's people astray. She uses the
"powers of the state" to bring about her plans to "give the
kingdom to the Beast". Both the Beast and the False Prophet
are people, as both are thrown into the lake of fire!
It should be noted
here - and this is borne out in Rev. 13 - that Iyzebel (the
False Prophet/Whore) though always present in the
background, does not come on the scene "with power" until
after Ach'ab (the Beast) "goes to his house (YashaYahuw
14:18-19), lays down with his face to the wall and
does not eat" - (receives his deadly wound!)
- after which he is
"resurrected" by Iyzebel the false prophetess ("arise and
eat") [This is also seen in the study above.] Up to
that time, the Beast's dealings with Ysra'al have not been a
total success, i.e., during the first "wilderness journey". It
is only after Iyzebel's intervention that he gains "the
kingdom!" This teaches
us, that it is not the First Beast of Revelation 13 that is
to be greatly feared, but the Second Beast that has "two
horns" - wears "two hats" - one a "crown" the other a
"priestly turban", something that by Torah Law was
not allowed. (Only YaHuSHuWaH is
allowed to be a priest upon His throne!) ..... and "she" is the one who gives the "kingdom" to
the image of the Beast using the power of the state! See
Yehzqel 21:25-26 How awesome and "one" is the Word!
(The "vineyard" has
various meanings, depending on the context.)
1 Kings 21:1 It happened after these things, that
Nabowth [Ysra'al ]
the Ysra'a'liy had a vineyard, [The
Remnant of Ysra'al and the Everlasting Inheritance]
which was in Ysra'al , near the palace of Ach'ab [the Beast] sovereign of
Shomerown [the World].
21:2 Ach'ab [the
Beast] spoke to Nabowth [Ysra'al ], saying, “Give me your vineyard [The Remnant of Ysra'al and the
Everlasting Inheritance, - He wanted control of the entire
world but Ysra'al 's stood in his
way] that I may have it for a garden of herbs [the counterfeit kingdom of the
Beast - false Eden], because it is near to my house;
and I will give you for it a better vineyard [Satan's kingdom under the
Beast] than it. Or, if it seems good to you, I will
give you its worth in money.” [being a part of commercial Babel - able to buy and sell]
21:3 Nabowth
[Ysra'al ] said to Ach'ab [the Beast], “May YaHuWaH forbid me, that I
should give the inheritance of my fathers to you!” [The Kingdom of YaHuWSHuWaH and
His Righteousness - Endless Life/New Earth - all the promises
of Torah]
21:4 Ach'ab [the
Beast] came
into his house [Isaiah 14:18-19] sullen
and angry because of the word which Nabowth the Ysra'a'liy had
spoken to him; for he had said, “I will not give you the
inheritance of my fathers.” He laid himself down on his bed, and turned away
his face, and would eat no bread. [And I saw
one of his heads, as having been slain to death ....]
21:5 But Iyzebel [2nd
Beast/False Prophet - see also Rev. 2:19-23] his wife came to
him, and said to him, “Why is your spirit so sad, that you eat
no bread?”
21:6 He said to her, “Because I spoke to Nabowth
the Ysra'a'liy, and said to him, ‘Give me your vineyard for
money; or else, if it pleases you, I will give you another
vineyard for it.’ He answered, ‘I will not give you my
vineyard.’” [Ysra'al
refuses to follow the Beast]
21:7 Iyzebel [2nd Beast/Harlot/False Prophet] his wife said to him, “Do you now govern the kingdom of Ysra'al [the World]? Arise, and eat bread, and let your heart be merry. [... and his deadly wound was healed - (he is "resurrected" by Iyzebel).] I will [2nd Beast] give you the vineyard of Nabowth [the Remnant of Ysra'al ] the Ysra'a'liy.” 21:8 So she wrote letters in Ach'ab’s [the Beast's] name, and sealed them with his seal (mark), [Rev. 13:12 He exercises all the authority of the first Beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship (obey) the first Beast, whose deadly wound was healed.] and sent the letters to the elders and to the nobles who were in his city, who lived with Nabowth. 21:9 She wrote in the letters, saying, “Proclaim a fast [Yom Kippur - The Great Shofar], and set Nabowth [Ysra'al ] on high among the people. [Luke 21:12 But before all these things, they shall lay their hands on you and shall persecute you, delivering you up to synagogues and prisons, bringing you before kings and governors for My Name’s sake. 21:13 It shall turn out as a witness for you.] 21:10 Set two men [He had two horns like a lamb], base fellows, before him, and let them witness against him, saying, ‘You cursed Aluahiym [god] and the sovereign [the beast]!’ Then carry him out, and stone him to death.”
[13:15 It was given to him to give life to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak [bring forth actions, laws, etc.], and cause to be killed as many as would not worship (obey) the image of the beast. 13:7 It was given to him to fight with the Set-apart ones, and to overcome them. Rule over every tribe, people, tongues, and nations was given to him. ]
21:11 The men of his [Nabowth's/Ysra'al ] city, even the elders and the nobles who lived in his city, did as Iyzebel [2nd Beast] had sent to them, according as it was written in the letters which she had sent to them. [Rev. 13:15 ... and cause to be killed as many as would not worship (obey) the image of the Beast . Matt. 24:10 Then the many shall stumble, and shall deliver up one another, and shall hate one another. 24:11 Many preachers of the Lie shall arise, and shall lead the many astray. 24:12 Because iniquity shall be multiplied the love of the many shall grow cold; Marq 13:12 Brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child. Children will rise up against parents, and cause them to be put to death, ... 13:13 You will be detested by all men for My Name’s sake, but he who endures in My Name to the end, the same will be delivered.]
21:12 They proclaimed a fast [Yom Kippur - Great Shofar], and set
Nabowth [Ysra'al ]
on high among the people. [Luke 21:12 But before all these
things, they shall lay their hands on you and shall persecute
you, delivering you up to synagogues and prisons, bringing you before
kings and governors for My Name’s sake. 21:13 It shall turn
out as a witness for you.]
21:13 The two men, the base fellows, [the two horns - both false witnesses - (there must
always be two witnesses to establish a matter)] came in
and sat before him. The base fellows witnessed against him, even
against Nabowth [Ysra'al ],
in the presence
of the people,
[Rev. 13:13 And he does
great signs, so that he even cast fire down from the heaven on
the earth in the
presence of men. (2nd
Kings 1:10 - "If I am a man
of Al, let fire come down from the sky and consume
you and your fifty"! The fire of Al came down from the sky,
and consumed him and his fifty" - future false test.)] saying, “Nabowth
[Ysra'al ] cursed
Aluahiym [god] and
the sovereign [the Beast]!”
Then they carried him out of the city, and stoned him to death
with stones. [and cause
to be killed as many as would not worship (obey) the image of
the beast.]
21:14 Then they
sent (the Elders and nobles) to Iyzebel [the 2nd Beast Whore],
saying, “Nabowth [Ysra'al
] has been stoned, and is dead.”[Rev. 14:13 I heard the Voice from heaven saying,
“Write, ‘Blessed are the dead who die in YaHuWaH from now
on.’” “Yes,” says the Ruwach haQadosh, “that they may rest
from their labors; for their works follow with them.” ]
21:15 It happened, when Iyzebel [2nd Beast] heard that Nabowth [Ysra'al ] was stoned,
and was dead, that Iyzebel [2nd
Beast] said to Ach'ab [the Beast], “Arise, take possession of the
vineyard of Nabowth [The
Remnant of Ysra'al and the Everlasting Inheritance] the
Ysra'a'liy, which he refused to give you for money [did not bow before the "buy
and sell" decree of the 2nd beast] [ Rev. 12:8 All those dwelling
on the earth ... shall worship (obey) him.] for Nabowth (Ysra'al ) is not
alive, but dead."
[Rev. 11:7 When they have completed their witness, the Beast coming up out of the abyss [pit of the deep] will make war against them and will overcome them, and will kill them off ..... 11:10 Those who dwell on the earth gloat over them, and celebrate and shall give gifts to one another, because these two prophets had been a torment to those who dwell on the earth. 13:14 And he leads astray those dwelling on the earth because of those signs which he was given to do on behalf of [in the presence] of the beast; saying to those dwelling on the earth, to make and image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and resurrected. ]
(The “anti/in place of - Mashiyach" - and the entire “new world order”, with all their followers, shall believe they have won against YaHuWaH. Ysra'al shall appear destroyed once and for all, along with all that bear witness of Torah and testify of YaHuWSHuWaH.)
21:16 It happened, when Ach'ab [the Beast] heard that Nabowth [Ysra'al ] was dead, that Ach'ab [the Beast] rose up to go down to the vineyard [Ysra'al 's Inheritance] of Nabowth [Ysra'al ] the Yisra'a'liy, to take possession of it. [total control of the world] - [Rev. 13:8 All those dwelling on the earth, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the slaughtered Lamb, from the foundation of the world, shall worship (obey) him.]
21:17 The Word of YaHuWaH came to AliYahuw [Elijah]
the Tishbite, saying, 21:18 “Arise, go down to meet Ach'ab
sovereign of Ysra'al , who dwells in Shomerown. Behold, he is in
the vineyard of Nabowth, where he has gone down to take
possession of it. 21:19 You shall speak to him, saying, ‘Thus
says YaHuWaH, “Have you killed and also taken possession?”’ You
shall speak to him, saying, ‘Thus says YaHuWaH, “In the place
where dogs licked the blood of Nabowth, dogs will lick your
blood, even yours.”’” [Rev. 13:9 If anyone has
an ear, let him hear. 13:10 He who brings into captivity, he
shall go into captivity. He who kills with the sword, must be
killed with the sword. Here is the endurance and the belief of
the Set-apart-ones.] and ..... 16:10 The fifth poured out his bowl
on the throne of the Beast, and his reign was darkened. ....
17:16 The ten horns which you saw on the Beast, these shall
hate the whore, and shall lay her waste and naked, and eat her
flesh, and burn her with fire! .... Rev. 18:8 Therefore
in one day her plagues shall come: death, mourning, and
famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire .... 19:20
The Beast was taken, and with him the Preacher of the Lie who
worked the signs in his sight, with which he deceived those
who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped
his image. These
two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with
Final comments:
All of what is pictured in 1 Kings 17:1-19 and chapters 18-19
and 1 Kings 21:1-17 bear out the following facts:
1. Though "Iyzebel - the Harlot" is always present in Ysra'al-
leading them astray - she does not take "center stage" until
after the test-by-fire with her false prophets and their death
(1 Kings 18:30-39) or after the "wounding" of the Beast
and his "resurrection" at "her hand" as seen in 1 Kings
21:4-7. The events in these chapters clearly show that when
the Beast (Ach'ab) is "on his own" - not helped by Iyzebel -
that his conflict with Ysra'al is not truly a success. Keep in mind that Iyzebel wears
"two crowns - has two horns", one being the crown of a queen
and the other the turban of a priestess of Ba'al!
2. And, unhappily, since Ysra'al is scattered throughout
the world and not terribly visible, their destruction at the
hands of Iyzebel and the Beast is accomplished ONLY by the
help of "the elders and the nobles who were in his city, who
lived with Nabowth ... The men of his
[Nabowth's/Ysra'al ] city, even the elders and the nobles
who lived in his city, did as Iyzebel [2nd Beast] had sent to them,
according as it was
written in the letters which she had sent to
them." (this is said twice!) - our brothers who claim
to be part of Ysra'al !
One also needs to take heed to the phrases - "wrote letters",
"sent letters", "sent to them", "heard", "did as Iyzebel had
sent them" - all of these phrases and words hint at "written
laws and decrees", etc. being made by the second beast on
behalf of the first beast. .... and bears out the wording of
Revelation 13 and the "acts" of the second beast! (see Dani'el 6 for the
YaHuWSHuWaH has told us that we would be
delivered up by our bretheren and our own families - our
enemies will be those of our own household (fellow believers
as well as our kin). Keep in mind that the prophets of old
were not slain by "outsiders" but by those with whom they
associated. YaHuWSHuWaH was not turned over by an "outsider"
but by one with whom he daily walked. What has been - will
be. Take heed.
There is another occurrence in the Word linked to the one who
came in the "Ruwach and Power of AliYahuw" - Yahuwchanan [John]
the Immerser - which parallels what is revealed to us in 1
Kings 21:1-17 and Revelation 13. What is depicted in Mark
6:17-28 concerning The Immerser's death by the intrigue
of Herodias using the power of the "state"- (her husband, the
king ) - emphasizes the power of the "wife" of the "Beast" to
bring about the destruction of YaHuWaH's people ... here, she
has her "daughter" dance before the king on his birthday (a
time of gift giving) before many dignitaries (the UN?). In
these verses, there is seen again - in type - the power that
the "harlot" has over the "king" to cause the destruction of
those who serve YaHuWaH. And like the "witnesses" of Revelation 11 who were
killed after
completing their witness likewise, after
Yahuwchanan the Immerser finished his "witness of YaHuWaH's
Saving/Deliverance by YaHuWSHuWaH, he, too, was
killed! [Rev.
11:7 When they have completed their
testimony, the
Beast coming up out of the abyss [pit of the deep] will
make war against them and will overcome them, and
will kill them off.] He who has ears let him hear!
A speculative
final note: In 2 Kings 5:1-19 there is an interesting "story"
concerning Na'aman, an Ysra'al'ite maiden, and Aliyshua which
this writer feels is possibly prophetic. In reading the
account in the Scriptures these points are brought out:
1. Na'aman was a person of ability and power in Aram
2. He was a great man and honorable with his his sovereign.
3. He was introduced to YaHuWaH by a "least one" of Ysra'al ,
a captive of "Babel".
4. The experience at first was not a happy one - in fact he
was angry and denying.
5. Eventually he became a believer in YaHuWaH, but because his
"sovereign leaned on his hand", he, like Nicodemus, became a
believer "secretly" - at least for a time - which was
acceptable to YaHuWaH - at that point in time.
What this implies is that there may well be an important
personage in the "inner circle" of the Beast who will be a
secret believer in, and follower of, YaHuWaH - though not an
Ysra'al'ite - and may during the "first fleeing" be a help to
YaHuWaH's people. This
is also pictured in the "servant" of Ach'ab hiding the
prophets in caves to feed them.
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